Instituut voor Theoretische Biologie te Leiden: publikaties 2005
Instituut voor Theoretische Biologie te Leiden

Publikaties 2005


  1. Beltman, J.B. and Metz, J.A.J. Speciation: more likely through a genetic or through a learned habitat preference? Proc. R. Soc. B 272, 1455-1463.
  2. Brumm, H. & Slabbekoorn, H. Acoustic communication in noise. Advances in the Study of Behavior 35: 151-209.
  3. Edelaar, P. Torres Dowdall, J. & Abril, M. Probable first record of a drinking seedsnipe (Family Thinocoridae) in the wild. Bulletin 106, 62-63.
  4. Leadbeater, E; Goller, F & Riebel, K. Unusual phonation, covarying song characteristics and song preferences in female zebra finches. Animal Behaviour 70, 909-919.
  5. Ríos Chelén, AA; Macias García, C & Riebel, K. Variation in the song of a sub-oscine, the vermilion flycatcher. Behaviour 142, 1121-1138.
  6. Riebel K., Hall M.L. & Langmore N.E. Female songbirds still struggling to be heard. Trends Ecol Evol 20, 419-420.
  7. Nelson, B.S., Beckers, G.J.L. & Suthers, R.A. Vocal tract filtering and sound radiation in a songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208 (2), 297-308.
  8. Schoon G.A.A. The effect of the ageing of crime scene objects on the results of scent identification line-ups using trained dogs. Forensic Science International, 147, 43-47.
  9. Terpstra N. J., Bolhuis J. J., den Boer-Visser A. M. & ten Cate C. Neuronal activation related to auditory perception in a non-songbird. J.Comp. Neurol. 488, 342-351.
  10. Verzijden M.N., Lachlan R.F. and Servedio M.R. Female mate-choicebehavior and sympatric speciation. Evolution 59(1),2097-2108.
  11. Schoon, G.A.A.The effect of ageing of crime scene objects on the results of scent identification line-ups using trained dogs. Forensic Science International 147/1: 43-47.
  12. Curran, A.M., P.A. Prada, A. Schoon, J.R. Almirall, K.G. Furton. Human Scent as a Biometric Measurement. Proc. SPIE vol. 5799, Biometric Technology for Human Identification II; Eds. Anil K. Jain & Nalini K. Ratha, pp. 398-408.
  13. Curran, A.M., A. Schoon & K.G. Furton. Human scent as a potential biometric measurement utilizing solid phase micro-extraction gas chomatography mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS). Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses (ISOEN), Medical Applications ; Santiago Marco and Ivan Monoliu (eds.), pp. 345-348.

Books and book chapters

  1. Kortmulder, K., & Robbers, Y. The Agonic and Hedonic Styles of Social Behaviour. Lampeter, U.K. 204 p.The Edwin Mellen Press,Mellen Studies in Sociology. Number: 49, ISBN: 0-7734-6201-5.
  2. Smith, T. B., Saatchi, S., Graham, C., Slabbekoorn, H. & Spicer, G. Putting process on the map: Why ecotones are important for preserving biodiversity. In: A. Purvis, J. Gittleman, and T. Brooks (Eds.). Phylogeny and Conservation, pp. 166-197. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  3. Schoon, G.A.A. Factoren die van invloed zijn op de bewijswaarde van geuridentificatieproeven. In: Het onzekere bewijs. Gebruik van statistiek en kansrekening in het strafrecht. M.J. Sjerps & J.A. Coster van Voorhout (eds.), Kluwer, Deventer, pp383-398.
  4. Suthers,R.A., Beckers G.J.L. & Nelson, B.S. Vocal mechanisms for avian communication. in: Behaviour and Neurodynamics for Auditory Commnunication. Kanwal, J.S. & Ehret, G. (Eds.) Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK.


  1. Terpstra, N.J. The neural substrate for auditory perception and memory in birds. Thesis Leiden University, June 2 2005. Promotores: Prof. dr. C.J. ten Cate, Prof. dr. J.J. Bolhuis (Utrecht University).


  1. Kortmulder, K. Barbus dorsalis (Jerdon, 1849). Het Aquarium 75:30-33
  2. Maan, M.E. and Verzijden, M.N. 2005. Seksuele selectie en soortsvorming. Cichlidae, bi-monthly periodocal of the Netherlands Cichlid Association 31:6, 132-141


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