Instituut voor Theoretische Biologie te Leiden
Publikaties 1999
- Boeters, HD, G Falkner, E Gittenberger, AJ de Winter, T von Proschwitz and Th.E.J. Ripken. Comments on the proposed conservation of Š Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 56 (1) (1999): 57-62.
- Bos, R. van den. Reflections on self-recognition in nonhuman primates. Animal Behaviour 58 (1999): F1-F9.
- Bosch F. van den, J.A.J. Metz, JC Zadoks. Pandemics of Focal Plant Disease, a Model. Phytopathology 89.6: 495-505, 1999
- Bruggen, A.C. van and J.L. Van Goethem. Dr William Adam's iconography of Central and West African Gulella species (Gastropoda Pulomanata: Streptaxidae). Part 3: nine new species from the D.R. Congo. Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belg. Biol. 69 (1999): 31-45, figs. 1-14.
- Danielopol, D.L., K. Martens and J.C. von Vaupel Klein (eds.), 1999. Jan H. Stock Memorial Issue - Crustacean biodiversity in subterranean, ancient lake and deep-sea habitats. - Crustaceana, 72(8): 721-1037.
- Diekmann O, Mylius SD, ten Donkelaar JR. Saumon a la Kaitala et Getz, sauce hollandaise. Evolutionary Ecology Research 1: 261-275, 1999
- Galis F. On the homology of structures and Hox genes: the vertebral column. Homology (Novartis Foundation symposium 222):80-94, 1999
- Galis F. Why Do Almost All Mammals Have Seven Cervical Vertebrae? Developmental Constraints, Hox Genes, and Cancer. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol Dev Evol) 285: 19-26, 1999
- Gassmann, D. Taxonomy and distribution of the inornata species-group of the Papuan genus Idiocnemis Selys (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). Invertebrate Taxonomy 13 (1999): 977-1005.
- Geritz, S.A.H., E. van der Meijden, J.A.J. Metz. Evolutionary Dynamics of Seed Size and Seedling Competitive Ability. Theoretical Population Biology 55: 324-343, 1999
- Gerlach, J. and A.C. van Bruggen. Streptaxidae (Mollusca: Pulmonata) of the Seychelles Islands, Western Indian Ocean. Zool. Verh., Leiden 328 (1999): 1-60, figs. 1-27, pl.
- Gittenberger E. Dispersal, Vicariance, and Partial Morphostasis in the Evolutionary History of SE European Zonitini (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Zool. Anz. 237 (1998/99): 243-258.
- Gittenberger, E. Predatory bore-holes in shells of terrestrial snails: Roth has priority. Basteria 63 (1999): 164.
- Gyllenberg, M., J.A.J. Metz. On Fitness in Structured Metapopulations. IIASA Studies in Adaptive Dynamics 37:1-13 (preprints), 1999
- Gyllenberg, M., J.A.J. Metz. On fitness in structured metapopulations. Research Report A38, University of Turku, Institute of Applied Mathematics, ISBN 951-29-1441-7, 1999
- Gultyaev AP, FHD van Batenburg and CWA Pleij. An approximation of loop free energy values of RNA H-pseudoknots. RNA 5 (1999): 609-617.
- Jansen, V.A.A., G.S.E.E. Mulder. Evolving biodiversity. Ecology Letters 2:379-386, 1999
- Kornet D.J. and H. Turner. Coding Polymorphism for Phylogeny Reconstruction. Systematic Biology 48(2) (1999): 365-379.
- Marle G. van, J.C. Dobbe, A.P. Gultyaev, W. Luytjes, W.J.M. Spaan and E.J. Snijder. Arterivirus discontinuous mRNA transcription is guided by base pairing between sense and antisense transcription-regulating sequences. PNAS Vol. 96, No. 21 (1999): 12056-12061.
- Meszéna, G., J.A.J. Metz. Species Diversity and Population Regulation: The Importance of Environmental Feedback Dimensionality. IIASA Studies in Adaptive Dynamics 38:1-24 (preprints), 1999
- Metz, J.A.J., M. Gyllenberg. How Should We Define Fitness in Structured Metapopulation Models? Including an Application to the Calculation of Evolutionarily Stable Dispersal Strategies. IIASA Studies in Adaptive Dynamics 36:1-18(preprints), 1999
- Metz, J.A.J., M. Gyllenberg. How should we define fitness in structured metapopulation models? Including an application to the calculation of ES dispersal strategies. Research Report A39, University of Turku, Institute of Applied Mathematics, 1999
- Mylius, S.D. What Pair Formation Can Do to the Battle of the Sexes:Towards More Realistic Game Dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 197:469-485, 1999
- Monchenko, V.I. and J.C. von Vaupel Klein, 1999. Oligomerization in Copepoda Cyclopoida as a kind of orthogenetic evolution in the animal kingdom. - Crustaceana, 72(3): 241-264.
- Nagel, J.H.A., A.P. Gultyaev, K. Gerdes and C.W.A. Pleij. Metastable structures and refolding kinetics in hok mRNA of plasmid R1. RNA 5 (1999): 1408-1419.
- Pappers, S.M., T.J. de Jong, P.G.L. Klinkhamer, E. Meelis. Effects of nectar contents on the number of bumblebee approaches and the length of visitation sequences in Echium vulgare (Boraginaceae). Oikos 87:580-586, 1999
- Schilthuizen, M., J.J. Vermeulen, G.W.H. Davison and E. Gittenberger. Population Structure in a Snail Species from Isolated Malaysian Limestone Hills, Inferred from Ribosomal DNA Sequences. Malacologia 41(1) (1999): 283-296.
- Schilthuizen, M., R.F. Hoekstra and E. Gittenberger. Selective Increase of a Rare Haplotype in a Land Snail Hybrid Zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 266 (1999): 2181-2185.
- Schram, F.R. and J.C. von Vaupel Klein (eds.), 1999. Crustaceans and the biodiversity crisis - Proceedings of the Fourth International Crustacean Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 20-24, 1998, 1: i-xii, 1-1021 (Koninklijke Brill, Leiden).
- Seehausen, O., F. Galis, N. Bouton. Cichliden in Oost-Afrika. Evolutie betrapt. Natuur & Techniek 67:6-15, 1999
- Veer M.W. de, and R. van den Bos. A Critical Review of Methodology and Interpretation of Mirror Self-Recognition Research in Nonhuman Primates. Animal Behaviour 58 (1999): 459-468.
- Veller, Marco G.P. van, M. Zandee and D.J. Kornet. Two requirements for obtaining valid common patterns under assumption zero, 1, and 2 in vicariance biogeography. [.pdf format; 186 Kb] Cladistics 15 (4): 393-406.
- Wesselingh FP & E Gittenberger. The Giant Amazonian Snail (Pulmonata: Acavidae) Beats Them All. The Veliger 42(1) (1999): 67-71.
- Winter AJ de, BJ Gomez and CE Prieto. Sinistrexcisa, A New Genus of Land Snail from Central West Africa with Four New Species (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Streptaxidae). J. Moll. Stud. 65 (1999): 209-221.
Books and book chapters
- Bos, R. van den. Intrinisic value and species-specific behaviour. In: Dol M., M. Fentener van Vlissingen, S. Kasanmoentalib, T. Visser & H. Zwart (eds.) Recognizing the Intrinsic Value of Animals: Beyond Animal Welfare. Van Gorcum (1999): 53-70.
- Gittenberger, E. 14. Evolutie met de slakkengang van Albinaria. In: W. van Strien (ed.), Evolutie betrapt (1999): 149-155. KNNV, Utrecht.
- Haccou, P., M. Sjerps, E. van der Meijden. To leave or to stay, that is the question: predictions from models of patch-leaving strategies. In: H Olff, VK Brown and RH Drent, eds. Herbivores: between Plants and Predators. Blackwell Science, Oxford, pp.85-108, 1999
- Lundberg JG, LG Marshall, J Guerrero, B Horton, MCSL Malabarba and F Wesselingh. The Stage for Neotropical Fish Diversification: A History of Tropical South American Rivers. In: Malabarba LR, RE Reis, RP Vari, ZM Lucena and CAS Lucena (eds). Phylogeny and Classification of Neotropical Fishes. Part 1 - Fossils and Geological Evidence (1998). Porto Alegre, Edipucrs, 603p.
- Seehausen, O., F. Galis, N. Bouton. Soortvorming en het ontstaan van verscheidenheid bij cichlide vissen. In: Van Strien et al., eds. Evolutie betrapt. KNNV., 1999
- Bruggen, A.C. van. (Book Review). Gittenberger and Janssen (red.) (1998). De Nederlandse zoetwatermollusken. Basteria 63 (1999): 107-108.
- Bruggen, A.C. van. (Book Review). Lindner (1999). Muscheln und Schnecken der Weltmeere. Basteria 63 (1999): 184.
- Bruggen, A.C. van. (Book Review). Kerney (1999). Atlas of the land and freshwater molluscs of Britain and Europe. Basteria 63 (1999): 192.
- Bruggen, A.C. van. (Review). Alklin (1998). Zarafa: the true story of a giraffe's journey from the plains of Africa to the heart of post-Napoleonic France. Intern. Zoo News 46 (1999): 226-227.
- Bruggen, A.C. van. Nieuwe necrologie Henry van der Schalie 1907-1986. Corr. Bl. Ned. Malacol. Ver. 306 (1999): 24.
- Bruggen, A.C. van. Dr. Cristina IJspeert overleden. Corr. Bl. Ned. Malacol. Ver. 309 (1999): 96.
- Bruggen, A.C. van. Feestbundel Prof. Dr. W. Vervoort uitgereikt. Corr. Bl. Ned. Malacol. Ver. 310 (1999): 119.
- Bruggen, A.C. van. In memoriam Mr F.H. van den Brink. Zoogdier 9 (1999): 31-32, 1 fig.
- Gittenberger, E. Biodiversiteitsdatabank is onbescheiden optimisme. BIOnieuws 9 (14) (1999): 3.
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] A.D. Ansell, R.N. Gibson and M. Barnes (eds.), 1997. Oceanography and marine biology, an annual review, vol. 35. - Crustaceana, 72(1): 128. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] F. Crooks, 1997. The dimension of creation. - Crustaceana, 72(2): 233-235. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] F. Crooks, 1996. Universal gene: the unifying factor. - Crustaceana, 72(4): 445-446. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] A.D. Ansell, R.N. Gibson and M. Barnes (eds.), Oceanography and marine biology, an annual review, vol. 36. - Crustaceana, 72(4): 446. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] G.D. Edgecombe (ed.), 1998. Arthropod fossils and phylogeny. - Crustaceana, 72(4): 447-448. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] A.C. Pierrot-Bults and S. van der Spoel (eds.), 1998. Pelagic biogeography ICoPB II. Proceedings of the 2nd international conference. - Crustaceana, 72(4): 448. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] H.-U. Dahms, T. Glatzel, H.J. Hirche, S. Schiel and H.K. Schminke (eds.), 1998. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Copepoda. - Crustaceana, 72(5): 539. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] R. Palomares, E. Suárez-Morales and S. Hernández-Trujillo, 1998. Catálogo de los copépodos (Crustacea) pelágicos del Pacífico Mexicano. - Crustaceana, 72(5): 540. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] S.C. Stearns (ed.), 1998 [1999]. Evolution in health and disease. - Crustaceana, 72(5): 541-542. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] C.P. Hickman, Jr., L.S. Roberts and A. Larson, 1995. Animal diversity. - Crustaceana, 72(6): 621-622. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] L.C. Drickamer, S.H. Vessey and D. Meikle, 1996. Animal behavior - mechanisms, ecology, evolution. - Crustaceana, 72(6): 622-623. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] J. Forest (ed.), 1999. Crustacés Péracarides. [Traité de Zoologie, 7(3)(A); now published as:] Mém. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, 19. - Crustaceana, 72(9): 1129-1130. [Boekbespreking.]
- Vaupel Klein, J.C. von, 1999. [Review of] I.J. Kitching, P.L. Forey, C.J. Humphries and D.M. Williams, 1998. Cladistics - second edition. The theory and practice of parsimony analysis. - Crustaceana, 72(9): 1134. [Boekbespreking.]
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