Instituut voor Theoretische Biologie te Leiden: publikaties 1989
Instituut voor Theoretische Biologie te Leiden

Publikaties 1989


  1. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) APL in biological research. APL CAM 11, 177-227.
  2. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) Cursus APL. Kennismaking: de beginselen van APL. ST 16, 22-25.
  3. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) Cursus APL. Werken met gegevens. ST 17, 17-21.
  4. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) Cursus APL. Administratieve commando's. ST 18, 24-27.
  5. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) Grondbeginselen programmeren. ST 19, 23-26.
  6. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) Geavanceerde programma's. ST 20, 19-24.
  7. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) Cursus APL. Basisfunkties en expressies. ST 21, 20-24.
  8. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) Cursus APL. Operatoren. ST 22, 26-29.
  9. Batenburg, F.H.D. van, J.W. Kijne (1989) Case study: how expensive is APL. Vector 5, 91-102.
  10. Batenburg, F.H.D. van, H.P.T. v.d. Star, M. v. Baaren (1989) Discrete simulation by APL-GPSS: the best of two worlds. APL Quote Quad 19, 12-22.
  11. Buiel, A.A.M., M.A. Verhaar, F. van den Bosch, W. Hoogkamer, J.C. Zadoks (1989) Effect of cultivar mixtures on the wave velocity of expanding yellow stripe rust foci in winter wheat. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 37, 75-78.
  12. Clement, Ph., O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans, H.R. Thieme (1989) A Hille-Yosida type theorem for a class of weakly * continuous semigroups. Semigroup Forum 38, 157-178.
  13. Diekmann, O., J.A.J. Metz (1989) Exploring linear chain trickery for physiologically structured populations. CWI Quarterly 2, 3-14.
  14. Diekmann, O., J.A.J. Metz, M. Sabelis (1989) Reflections and calculations on a prey-predator-patch problem. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 14, 23-35.
  15. Heijmans, H.J.A.M., J.A.J. Metz (1989) Small parameters in structured population models and the Trotter-Kato theorem. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 20, 870-885.
  16. Hoeven, N.v.d., A.M. de Roos, S.A.L.M. Kooijman (1989) Abstract. Oscillations in Daphnia populations. Econieuws 2, 7-8.
  17. Inaba, H. (1989) Weak ergodicity of population evolution processes. Math. Biosci. 96, 195-219.
  18. Jong, T.J. de, P.G.L. Klinkhamer, S.A.H. Geritz, E. v.d. Meijden (1989) Why biennials delay flowering: an optimization model and field data on Cirsium vulgare and Cynoglossum officinale. Acta Bot. Neerl. 38, 41-55.
  19. Metz, J.A.J. (1989) Abstract: Equilibrium concepts: theory and practice. Econieuws 2, p.6
  20. Metz, J.A.J., J. Verboom, F. van den Bosch (1989) The average size of chainlike planktonic algal colonies. J. theor. Biol. 140, 19-26.
  21. Nisbet, N., S. Blythe, W.S.C. Gurney, J.A.J. Metz, K. Stokes (1989) Avoiding chaos. TREE 4, 238-239.
  22. Roos, A.M. de (1989) Dynamische populatiemodellen: Daphnia's in een trein. Biovisie Magazine 5, 20, 37-38.
  23. Sabelis, M.W. , O. Diekmann, J.A.J. Metz (1989) Abstract. From local extinction to regional survival. Econieuws 2, p.8

Books and book chapters

  1. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) Mikrokursus APL voor Beginners. Leiden, groep Bio-informatika/werkgroep IAPL. ISBN 90-6385-156-1. 114p.
  2. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1989) APL in biological research. Bacus Monograph 89004, 195p.
  3. Clement, Ph., O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans, H.R. Thieme (1989) Perturbation theory for dual semigroups. Part III. Nonlinear Lipschitz continuous perturbations in the sun-reflexive case. In: G. Da Prato & M. Iannelli (eds.) Volterra Integrodifferential Equations in Banach Spaces and Applications. Longman 67-89.
  4. Clement, Ph., O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans, H.R. Thieme (1989) Perturbation theory for dual semigroups. Part IV. The intertwining formula and the canonical pairing. In: Ph. Clement et al (eds.), Trends in semigroup Theory and Applications. New York, Marcel Dekker, 95-116.
  5. Diekmann, O. (1989) On semigroups and populations. In: G. Fusco, M. Iannelli, L. Salvadori (eds.) Advanced Topics in the Theory of Dynamical Systems, Academic Press, 125-135.
  6. Diekmann, O., M. Gyllenberg, H.J.A.M. Heijmans (1989) When are two CO-semigroups related by a bounded perturbation: In: Ph. Clement, S. Invernizzi, E. Mitidieri & I.I. Vrabie (eds.). Trends in Semigroup Theory and Applications. New York, Marcel Dekker, 153-162.
  7. Nisbet, N., W.S.C. Gurney, J.A.J. Metz (1989) Stage structure models applied in evolutionary ecology. In: S.A. Levin, T.G. Hallam & L.J. Gross. Applied Mathematical Ecology. Springer, New York.
  8. Verhoog, H. (1989) Lezen in het boek der natuur. In: W. Achterberg, red., Natuur: uitbuiting of respect. Kampen, Kok Agora, 141-159. 1988.


  1. Inaba, H. (1989) Functional analytic approach to age-structured population dynamics. PhD Thesis. Leiden University, 180p.
  2. Roos, A.M. de (1989) Daphnids on a train. PhD thesis, Leiden University, 199p.
  3. Zawoek, M.W. (1989) A physical theory of focus development in plant disease. PhD thesis, Agricultural University Wageningen, 231 p. 1988.

Conference proceedings

  1. Verhoog, H. (1989) The scientific perception of animals as object. Vth Int. Conf. on the relationship between animals and humans, Monaco 15-18 nov. Abstract.
  2. Zandee, M. (1989) A comparison of two methods for biogeographic analysis. Abstract in: Flora Malesiana Symposium p. 70-71, Rijksherbarium and Hortus Botanicus of Leiden University.


  1. Batenburg, F.H.D. van, V.W.A. Bos, R.J. Koppendraier (1989) A programming language. Rapport Technologisch Instituut, Brussel, 21 p.
  2. Bressers, W.M.A., E. Meelis, P. Haccou (1989) Did you know your data are censored. Rapport Inst. of Theor. Biol. 7p.
  3. Heesterbeek, J.A.P., J.A.J. Metz (1989) Building blocks & prototypes for epidemic models. Part 4: modelling encounter-rates. CWI inter rapport 11p.
  4. Lankester, K. (1989) Effekten van habitatversnippering voor de das (Meles meles); een modelbenadering. RIN-rapport 89/13.
  5. Metz, J.A.J., O. Diekmann (1989) Exact finite dimensional representations of models for physiologically structured populations I: The abstract foundations of linear chain trickery. Amsterdam, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Report AM-R8920 16pp.
  6. Verhoog, H. (1989) Ethical Committees. In: L.F.M. van Zutphen, H. Rozemond & A.C. Beijnen, eds., Animal experimentation: legislation and education. Utrecht, Department of Laboratory Animal Science, 129-138.


  1. Verhoog, H. (1989) Ethiek en landbouwhuisdieren. In: Melk, Koe & Biotechnologie, Cahiers biowetenschappen en Maatschappij 13/4, 25-27.


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