Instituut voor Theoretische Biologie te Leiden
Publikaties 1985
- Bakker, K., J.J.M. v. Alphen, F.H.D. v. Batenburg, N. v.d.Hoeven, H.W. Nell, W.T.F.H. v.Strien-van Liempt & T.C.J. Turlings (1985) The function of host discrimination and superparasitization in parasitoids. Oecologia 67, 572-576.
- Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1985) Implicit instead of the explicit copy command. APL Quote Quad 16, 24-26.
- Batenburg, F.H.D. van & R. Prins (1985) QL/APL; A leap back- or forward? Vector 2, 115-117.
- Cock Buning, Tj. de (1985) Qualitative and quantitative explanation of the forms of heat sensitive organs in snakes. Acta Biotheor. 34, 2-4, 193-205.
- Cock Buning, Tj. de, E. Otten & P. Dullemeijer (1985) Some methodological remarks. Acta Biotheor. 34, 2-4, 277-287.
- Haccou, P. & L. Hemerik (1985) The influence of larval dispersal in the cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae) on predation by the red wood ant (Formica polyctena): an analysis based on the proportional hazards model. J. Anim. Ecol. 54, 755-769.
- Kornet, D. (1985) Review: R.C. Craw & G.W. Gibbs, eds., 1984, Croizat's panbiogeography & principia botanica. Search for a novel biological synthesis, Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria University Press. Acta Biotheoret. 34, 97-100.
- Laar, W. van (1985) Review: J. Jahn, R. Loether & K. Senglaub, eds., 1985, Geschichte der Biologie. Theorien, Methoden, Institutionen, Kurz-biographien, Jena, G. Fischer Verlag. Acta Biotheoret. 34, 95-97.
- Laar, W. van(1985) Review: S. Fittkau, 1984, Organische Chemie fÅr Biologen und Mediziner, 5 rev.ed., Stuttgart, G. Fischer Verlag. Acta Biotheoret. 34, p. 101.
- Meelis, E. (1985) Review: R.J. Lorenz, 1984, Grundbegriffe der Biometrie, Stuttgart, Gustav Verlag. Acta Biotheor. 34, p. 93.
- Metz, J.A.J. & F.H.D.v.Batenburg (1985) Holling's "hungry mantid" model for the invertebrate functional response considered as a Markov process. Part I: The full model and some of its limits. J. Math. Biology 22, 209-238.
- Metz, J.A.J. & F.H.D.v.Batenburg (1985) Holling's "hungry mantid" model for the invertebrate functional response considered as a Markov process. Part II: Negligable handling time. J. Math. Biology 22, 239-257.
- Nisbet, R.M., S.P. Blythe, W.S.C. Gurney & J.A.J. Metz (1985) Stage-structure models of populations with distinct growth and development processes. I.M.A. J. of Math. Appl. in Medicine and Biology 2, 57-68.
- Roos, & B.J.G. Flik(1985) Modelling time-series of photosynthesis and comparisons with the fluorescence yield in Chlorella vulgaris: a study of adaptation, inhibition and recovery. J. of Plankton Res. 7, 665-677.
- Turlings, T.C.J., F.H.D.v.Batenburg & W.T.F.H.v.Strien-van Liempt (1985) Why is there no interspecific host discrimination in the two coexisting larval parasitoids of Drosophila species; Leptopilina heterotoma (Thomson) and Asobara tabida (Nees). Oecologia 67, 352-359.
Books and book chapters
- Haccou, P., E.T.v.Bavel & M.R. Kruk (1985) Markov chain description and analysis of changes induced by hypothamalic stimulation in a male CPBWEzob rat at intensities below attack threshold. In M.R. Kruk & P.F. Brain, Mathematical methods and representations in ethological aggression research, 31-56.
- Verhoog, H. (1985) Science education in universities. In B. Musschenga & D. Grosling, eds., Science, education and ethical values. Geneve, WCC Publications, 98-101, .1984.
Conference proceedings
- Kruk, M.R., P. Haccou, E.T.v.Bavel, E. Meelis, W. Meelis, C.E.v.d.Laan, A.M. v.d.Poel & J. Mos (1985) Changes in social behaviour of rats stimulated in the "aggressive" area of the hypothalamus at intensities below attack threshold: a Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) description. In Proc. of the Dutch Federation of Medical Scientific Societies, p. 192.
- Metz, J.A.J. (1985) States from behaviour. In Ethologie 1985 Plenary Sessions, Toulouse, Universite P. Sabatier, 223-232.
- Haccou, P. (1985) Quantification and analysis of behaviour by means of continuous time Markov chain models. Rapport Vakgroep Theoretische Biologie, 21 p.
- Haccou, P., M.R. Kruk & E.T.v.Bavel (1985) Analysis of aggressive behaviour by means of continuous time Markov chains. Rapport Vakgroep Theoretische Biologie, 17 p.
- Haccou, P., E. Meelis & S. v.d.Geer (1985) On the likelihood ratio test for a change point in a sequence of independent exponentially distributed random variables. Report MS-R8507, Amsterdam, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, 31 p.
- Metz, J.A.J. & F.H.D.v.Batenburg (1985) Holling's "hungry mantid" model for the invertebrate functional response considered as a Markov process. Part I: The full model and some of its limits. Report AM-R8419, Amsterdam, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, 46 p.
- Metz, J.A.J. & F.H.D.v.Batenburg (1985) Holling's "hungry mantid" model for the invertebrate functional response considered as a Markov process. Part II: Negligable handling time. Report AM-R8419, Amsterdam, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, 33 p.
- Verhoog, H. (1985) Ethische beginselen en dierproeven. Tekst opgenomen in Rapport van de Commissie van Advies voor de Dierproeven, Leidschendam, 16-31.
- Zandee, M.(1985) CAFCA, a collection of APL functions for cladistic analysis. On-line CAFCA documentation (in Dutch). Rapport Vakgroep Theoretische Biologie, 27 p..1984.
- Verhoog, H. (1985) Ethische aspecten van de menselijke omgang met dieren. Leven & Laten Leven 4, 6-8.
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