Instituut voor Theoretische Biologie te Leiden: publikaties 1985
Instituut voor Theoretische Biologie te Leiden

Publikaties 1985


  1. Bakker, K., J.J.M. v. Alphen, F.H.D. v. Batenburg, N. v.d.Hoeven, H.W. Nell, W.T.F.H. v.Strien-van Liempt & T.C.J. Turlings (1985) The function of host discrimination and superparasitization in parasitoids. Oecologia 67, 572-576.
  2. Batenburg, F.H.D. van (1985) Implicit instead of the explicit copy command. APL Quote Quad 16, 24-26.
  3. Batenburg, F.H.D. van & R. Prins (1985) QL/APL; A leap back- or forward? Vector 2, 115-117.
  4. Cock Buning, Tj. de (1985) Qualitative and quantitative explanation of the forms of heat sensitive organs in snakes. Acta Biotheor. 34, 2-4, 193-205.
  5. Cock Buning, Tj. de, E. Otten & P. Dullemeijer (1985) Some methodological remarks. Acta Biotheor. 34, 2-4, 277-287.
  6. Haccou, P. & L. Hemerik (1985) The influence of larval dispersal in the cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae) on predation by the red wood ant (Formica polyctena): an analysis based on the proportional hazards model. J. Anim. Ecol. 54, 755-769.
  7. Kornet, D. (1985) Review: R.C. Craw & G.W. Gibbs, eds., 1984, Croizat's panbiogeography & principia botanica. Search for a novel biological synthesis, Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria University Press. Acta Biotheoret. 34, 97-100.
  8. Laar, W. van (1985) Review: J. Jahn, R. Loether & K. Senglaub, eds., 1985, Geschichte der Biologie. Theorien, Methoden, Institutionen, Kurz-biographien, Jena, G. Fischer Verlag. Acta Biotheoret. 34, 95-97.
  9. Laar, W. van(1985) Review: S. Fittkau, 1984, Organische Chemie fÅr Biologen und Mediziner, 5 rev.ed., Stuttgart, G. Fischer Verlag. Acta Biotheoret. 34, p. 101.
  10. Meelis, E. (1985) Review: R.J. Lorenz, 1984, Grundbegriffe der Biometrie, Stuttgart, Gustav Verlag. Acta Biotheor. 34, p. 93.
  11. Metz, J.A.J. & F.H.D.v.Batenburg (1985) Holling's "hungry mantid" model for the invertebrate functional response considered as a Markov process. Part I: The full model and some of its limits. J. Math. Biology 22, 209-238.
  12. Metz, J.A.J. & F.H.D.v.Batenburg (1985) Holling's "hungry mantid" model for the invertebrate functional response considered as a Markov process. Part II: Negligable handling time. J. Math. Biology 22, 239-257.
  13. Nisbet, R.M., S.P. Blythe, W.S.C. Gurney & J.A.J. Metz (1985) Stage-structure models of populations with distinct growth and development processes. I.M.A. J. of Math. Appl. in Medicine and Biology 2, 57-68.
  14. Roos, & B.J.G. Flik(1985) Modelling time-series of photosynthesis and comparisons with the fluorescence yield in Chlorella vulgaris: a study of adaptation, inhibition and recovery. J. of Plankton Res. 7, 665-677.
  15. Turlings, T.C.J., F.H.D.v.Batenburg & W.T.F.H.v.Strien-van Liempt (1985) Why is there no interspecific host discrimination in the two coexisting larval parasitoids of Drosophila species; Leptopilina heterotoma (Thomson) and Asobara tabida (Nees). Oecologia 67, 352-359.

Books and book chapters

  1. Haccou, P., E.T.v.Bavel & M.R. Kruk (1985) Markov chain description and analysis of changes induced by hypothamalic stimulation in a male CPBWEzob rat at intensities below attack threshold. In M.R. Kruk & P.F. Brain, Mathematical methods and representations in ethological aggression research, 31-56.
  2. Verhoog, H. (1985) Science education in universities. In B. Musschenga & D. Grosling, eds., Science, education and ethical values. Geneve, WCC Publications, 98-101, .1984.

Conference proceedings

  1. Kruk, M.R., P. Haccou, E.T.v.Bavel, E. Meelis, W. Meelis, C.E.v.d.Laan, A.M. v.d.Poel & J. Mos (1985) Changes in social behaviour of rats stimulated in the "aggressive" area of the hypothalamus at intensities below attack threshold: a Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) description. In Proc. of the Dutch Federation of Medical Scientific Societies, p. 192.
  2. Metz, J.A.J. (1985) States from behaviour. In Ethologie 1985 Plenary Sessions, Toulouse, Universite P. Sabatier, 223-232.


  1. Haccou, P. (1985) Quantification and analysis of behaviour by means of continuous time Markov chain models. Rapport Vakgroep Theoretische Biologie, 21 p.
  2. Haccou, P., M.R. Kruk & E.T.v.Bavel (1985) Analysis of aggressive behaviour by means of continuous time Markov chains. Rapport Vakgroep Theoretische Biologie, 17 p.
  3. Haccou, P., E. Meelis & S. v.d.Geer (1985) On the likelihood ratio test for a change point in a sequence of independent exponentially distributed random variables. Report MS-R8507, Amsterdam, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, 31 p.
  4. Metz, J.A.J. & F.H.D.v.Batenburg (1985) Holling's "hungry mantid" model for the invertebrate functional response considered as a Markov process. Part I: The full model and some of its limits. Report AM-R8419, Amsterdam, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, 46 p.
  5. Metz, J.A.J. & F.H.D.v.Batenburg (1985) Holling's "hungry mantid" model for the invertebrate functional response considered as a Markov process. Part II: Negligable handling time. Report AM-R8419, Amsterdam, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, 33 p.
  6. Verhoog, H. (1985) Ethische beginselen en dierproeven. Tekst opgenomen in Rapport van de Commissie van Advies voor de Dierproeven, Leidschendam, 16-31.
  7. Zandee, M.(1985) CAFCA, a collection of APL functions for cladistic analysis. On-line CAFCA documentation (in Dutch). Rapport Vakgroep Theoretische Biologie, 27 p..1984.


  1. Verhoog, H. (1985) Ethische aspecten van de menselijke omgang met dieren. Leven & Laten Leven 4, 6-8.


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